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Incentivising Infill Development Fund

$350 million Development Fund + Streamlined Development process

Incentivising Infill Development Fund

The Qld state government has now released guidelines in relation to the $350 million Incentivising infill development fund (IIDF) that will see the state government pay the Infrastructure Charges for eligible projects.

The aim of the fund is to facilitate and incentivise the delivery of more affordance and well located housing. Refunds of development application fees are also available through the fund for eligible projects.

Projects must meet specific criteria to be eligible for the relief but importantly can include both material change of use (MCU) or reconfiguring a lot (RAL) proposals for residential or mixed-use development.

The Funds open for applications on 10 June 2024.

Our team has reviewed the specific details of the fund and the eligibility criteria, so please contact us should you require any further information.

Streamlined State led assessment process to facilitate affordable housing

The Qld state government has recently introduced a streamlined State led assessment process to facilitate development that is a priority of the state, for example affordable housing delivery.

The State-Facilitated Development (SFD) process has been established through the Housing Availability and Affordability (Planning and Other Legislation Amendment) Bill 2023 (the Bill) and provides an alternative development assessment pathway to the typical DA process through Council.

A dedicated SFD team has been established to assess and ultimately speed up planning and development processes for new housing projects.

Eligible projects must be for predominantly residential development and include an affordable housing component that equates to at least 15% of all dwellings resulting from the development. The projects must also provide a diverse mix of dwelling types or diversity in the number of bedrooms contained in the dwellings.

Consultation is now open on the proposed amendments to the Planning Regulation 2017, the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules (MGR) and the Development Assessment Rules (DA Rules) to support the implementation of the Bill. Once these amendments are in effect, applications will be able to be formally lodged through the SFD pathway.

Ahead of the amendments coming into effect, you can submit an Expression of Interest for the SFD Team to assess your proposal’s eligibility under the SFD pathway.

For more information on the eligibility criteria and the process, please contact our office.

The ASTP team (pictured in a casual group photo with Cotton Tree in the background) are here to help with the Incentivising Infill Development Fund.
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