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Dual Occupancy: Palm Springs | Oceanic (165)

Located in a sort after coastal suburb on the Sunshine Coast, the design brief was 'Palm Springs' and thanks to some great work by all involved, we think the finished product certainly shows the  brief was well and truly met.

Sunshine Coast Equine Hospital

In a Sunshine Coast first, this Equine Care Facility will provide high-end observation (inclusive of X-Ray), as well as surgery + quarantine facilities, with emergency 24/7 access.

Shopping Centre and Cinema Complex, Urraween

Proposed $60 million complex comprising multi-storey office block, roof deck, underground carparking, retail areas and a new cinema complex. ASTPD coordinated the development application process on behalf of Liuzzi Property Group, lodging with Council in late 2016 and managing the project through to development approval in September 2017 and Operational Works approval in 2019.

Mooloolaba Bowls Club Redevelopment

Mooloolaba Bowls Club Redevelopment

This redevelopment involved additions and alterations to the existing clubhouse, playing greens and the inclusion of a new commercial building. The project comprises three (3) stages and a land resumption by DTMR for road widening purposes along Brisbane Road.

Redlynch Eco-Resort, Cairns

Redlynch Eco-Resort, Cairns

The approved Redlynch Eco Resort is bounded by Freshwater Creek and the World Heritage listed Dinden National Park and is within the 500 metres of the Crystal Cascades. The resort consists of a number of Eco-Villas scattered throughout the site in a series of lightweight, ecologically sustainable building ‘pods’. Standards and guidelines of the Green Building Council of Australia were a useful reference tool for the design of the resort, with the intent to gain green star ratings to all the proposed resort buildings.

Puma Service Station, Moranbah

Puma Service Station, Moranbah

This site is located within the Moranbah Priority Development Area (PDA), and as a result is subject to a substantially different development application process to that of a ‘standard’ development application. ADAMS + SPARKES were able to successfully negotiate approval of the proposed Puma Service Station with the Economic Development Queensland (EDQ), whom issued land use and civil works approval within three (3) months from the date of application lodgement.

Foundation Place, Maroochydore CBD

Foundation Place, Maroochydore CBD

The subject site historically formed part of a larger land holding, which represented the Horton Park Golf Course. In 2013 the area identified as the Maroochydore Principal Regional Activity Centre was declared as a Priority Development Area by the Minister of Economic Development Queensland. In 2014, the Maroochydore City Centre Development Plan was approved and subsequently amended in 2016. The architecturally designed development, promotes active ground level shopfronts, screened podium level car parking and upper level offices. Foundation Place is tenanted by Market Bistro and Giddy Geisha, along side many other professionals businesses.

Carinity Baptist School, Glenlee

This proposal sought to establish a master plan for the site and a staged development program to align with the schools anticipated growth over the coming years. The proposed master plan was designed to complement the schools existing layout and its rural surroundings. Carinity purchased the subject site, being the former School of Today site, in 2015 with the intention to establish a new Special Assistance School. The school follows Carinity’s existing ethos and provides an alternative education for students who have become disengaged from mainstream schooling or struggle within a traditional school environment. As part of the proposed expansion of the school, student numbers are to increase to a maximum of 84 students and 13 full time equivalent staff. The expansion of the existing facilities on the subject site provide additional classroom buildings, improved recreational facilities, new service access and car parking areas.

Wimmers Soft Drink Factory

This site was previously operated by Cooroy Brickworks and as a result, the site contained remnants of this land use, including a chimney stack, buildings, storage areas and structures. A new Soft Drink Factory was proposed to be established within this existing building. The previous Wimmers factory operated from Garnet St, Cooroy and provided employment opportunities for approximately 20 people and generated at approximately 2,000 litres of product per day. The proposed relocation provided the opportunity to increase the on-site storage and administration areas for Wimmers.

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