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Sunshine Coast: new planning scheme

Sunshine Coast Council have today voted in favour of preparing a new planning scheme for the region.

The debate took over 2 hours, with final vote being 10-1 in favour of Council commencing on a new planning scheme. .Preliminary public consultation is due to commence mid 2021, with the full adoption targeted for late 2023. Although this timeframe could extend out further, we expect there to be a push for the new planning scheme to be adopted prior to the next local government elections in March 2024.

Some of the key planning principles that will inform the new planning scheme will include:

?  Clearly defined growth management boundaries
?  Consolidation rather than expansion
?  Increase focus on the design of multi-unit residential and mixed use development
?  Promoting a compact, transit-supportive integration of land-use.
?  Better alignment with recent state & local policy
?  Protect character lifestyle & environmental values
?  Maintain a strong position on building height in order to distinguish the Sunshine Coast from other metropolitan regions in SEQ
?  Promotion of the Sunshine Coast Design Principles
?  Prioritise high quality urban landscaping, deep planting and walkable, leafy streets.
We’ll continue to provide relevant information on the new planning scheme as it comes to us. Feel free to contact our office should you have any specific questions in relation to the new scheme and how it may impact on your property or interests.


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